He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic.
Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.
” --Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Zotero Might be my Hero

Anyone who has done complex research knows that keeping track of your sources is a necessary, and time consuming, process.  Zotero, a relatively new Firefox add-on, could revolutionize the way students, scholars, and other professionals keep track of their online references.

Zotero's mission, as stated on it's website, is to: "help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources".  A couple clicks of the mouse and your online search is easily captured, cited, and stored for later use.  Here is a nice highlight video of Zotero's functionality.

As you can see there is great potential for students and scholars, but I immediately began to think of its application to a public library professional, who does not do the same intensive research of an academic or specialty librarian. Therefore I decided to see if Zotero could help with my daily environmental scanning.

I am currently researching--casually--different management ideas, concepts, and styles.  I decided to use Zotero to capture the online artifacts that I find. 

With only a couple of days of testing as anecdotal evidence, so far my experience has been positive.  Zotero has:
  • Eliminated keeping track of websites via a Bookmarks folder (my old method)
  • Captured PDF and other articles for later reading (no more printing and stuffing in folders)
  • Allowed me to make notes for each item as to why I found it interesting
    --this is a particularly subtly, but wonderful feature
I'll keep everyone updated as I continue to experiment, but I can already tell that Zotero has application beyond large-scale research projects.

Anyone tried Zotero?  What do you use it for, besides research?


  1. Sounds interesting. This blog makes me want to check Zotero out. Thanks!

  2. Marlana,

    Thanks for the comment. Post back after you have had a chance to look at Zotero. I would be interested on your thoughts. I think it has potential for environmental scanning and for use in work groups. I plan on posting an update on how my testing is going in a week or two.
