He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic.
Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.
” --Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Week Eight: Cloud Computing, The Beginning

We are well into the eighth week of the 23 Things Kansas program and have reach the topic of cloud computing.

I understand the purpose of cloud computing--a centralized online place to store and share documents--but have yet to have a need for the service.

At work my department shares a common drive on the Library's server, giving everyone access to the same documents, folders, etc.  This drive sharing combined with Microsoft Word's revision features, allows for an effective, efficient way for multiple users to work on documents.

For personal items, I rarely need to access documents immediately. My resume and other files I tinker with occasionally are stored on a flash drive--remember those old things--and therefore I don't use cloud computing services.

That being written, I am dedicated to the cause and therefore examining various cloud computing services.  After spending a week thinking about what project to use as a testing tool, I decided to go with an old favorite.  I will create a document via cloud computing and ask my colleagues and library friends to document their favorite reference questions.  These question can be funny, crazy, involved, or just plain memorable.

I will create a post with the results.

In the meantime, feel free to add your favorite reference question to this post and I will include them.  When I get the document up and running I will add the link to this post.


  1. Adults wanting to find books they read as a child - no title, no author - maybe the color of the cover.

  2. Yes, those are always fun. "I know what it looks like." is not a fun way to start the reference interview. I have actually found a few of those incredible ambiguous items, but I was lucky and most turned out to be Oprah books!

    Thanks for sharing.
