He wondered, as he had many times wondered before, whether he himself was a lunatic.
Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.
” --Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Week 12: Screencasting

The focus for Week 12 of the 23 Things Kansas program is screencasting, a very effective teaching tool that is as easy to create as it is to create badly.  As with PowerPoint, screencasting is an extremely effective way to present information that is rife with the possibility of overuse, abuse, poor construction , and other foibles. Done correctly, screencasts can present library patrons with accurate, helpful instruction on any topic within the library's digital or physical domain. If your library has computer access for patrons, then it should have screencasts on how to use:

  • the library's catalog--this is the patron's primary interface with the library. They need to understand it!
  • service functions--library cards, reference service, public policies, reading programs, if you do it, show people how (for example, here is a link to the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library's screencast on getting a library card.)
  • databases--all of them.  They don't need to be a complete "how to" but you need to give library patrons a basic run through of how to do a simple search.
  • create email account--it is almost impossible to apply for a job online without an email account, which is why this is included
I am sure that with just a cursory glance around your library and its digital counterpart, you will find dozens of potential teachable activities that could become a screencast.

For my assignment I create a quick and dirty screencast on how reference librarians find those pesky telephone numbers for which people always ask.  Using Screencast-O-Matic I was quickly able to create a screencast.  The interface was easy to use, but there are no editing features on  the free side, so it is a one shot deal each time.  You can pause, but if the neighbor's car backfires, you are on your own. I also had trouble getting my microphone to record any louder than what you will hear.  Unfortunately, no help was found on the website.

Here is my screencast on the magic of reference directory assistance revealed!  Enjoy.

What other aspects of public library service could benefit from screencasts?  What screencasts does your library have made?

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